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Liberty Hall Dam Removal & Stream Restoration


Liberty Hall Dam Removal & Stream Restoration Located on private property in Albemarle County, Virginia the Liberty Hall Stream Restoration Project included the removal of a legacy earthen dam historically used as a recreational pond and restoring and enhancing portions of an unnamed perennial tributary to Mechums River and creation of emergent riparian wetlands [...]

Pristine Waters Nutrient Bank


Pristine Waters Nutrient Bank Ecosystem Services was contracted to establish a nutrient credit offset bank in the Rappahannock River watershed. Our services included an ecosystem services inventory of all biodiversity credits on the property, nutrient bank establishment, construction and planting design and oversight, as well as marketing and management of the credits. The Pristine [...]

Maury River


Maury River Ecosystem Services, LLC was contracted to provide restoration engineering and assessment for the Maury River in Rockbridge County, Virginia.  This project was a partnership with a local landowner, DGIF, and a stream restoration designer.  This project was the largest ever undertaken by DGIF and was made possible through a multi-disciplinary team that [...]

Arey Farm


Arey Farm Ecosystem Services was contracted to establish a nutrient credit offset bank in the Shenandoah/Potomac River watershed. This project is unique in that it was the first bank permitted by the Department of Environmental Quality that used stream restoration as a method for generating nutrient credits. The restored stream is an upper reach of Mossy [...]

Meadow Creek – Cedar Court Stream Restoration


Meadow Creek- Cedar Court Stream Restoration Within the proposed restoration reach, Meadow Creek was displaying lateral instability in the form of eroding banks primarily due to the amount of impervious area within the watershed associated with the residential development upstream of the project area, and the lack of vegetation along the banks. The project was proposed to [...]

Holy Comforter


Holy Comforter Ecosystem Services was contacted by the Holy Comforter (HOCO) Church Eco Steering Committee to provide design and planning solutions to reduce the stormwater impact of their landscape. The Steering Committee had many progressive and ecologically sensitive measures that they planned to implement around their church grounds. A team of professionals including the [...]

Dragon Run Wetland Mitigation Project


Dragon Run Wetland Mitigation Project The northern portion of the property is occupied by Dragon Run Swamp, a palustrine alluvial floodplain wetland, a portion of which is bisected by a perennial, unnamed tributary running from west to east. The stream has been impacted by a historical road crossing which has been further influenced by [...]

Headwaters of the Shenandoah River Watershed Assessment & Pilot Restoration


Shenandoah Headwaters Watershed Assessment & Pilot Restoration Bergton sits near the confluence of the German River and Crab Run, headwater streams of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River, which flows into the Shenandoah and the Potomac River before reaching the Chesapeake Bay. The North Fork represents 18% of Virginia’s contribution to the Chesapeake Bay [...]

Murray Run


Ecosystem Services has collaborated with HHHunt and Roanoke County to develop the first stream restoration project funded through a public private partnership. The proposed project consists of restoring approximately 1,250 linear feet of Murray Run adjacent to the Pebble Creek Apartments in Roanoke County, Virginia ...

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