Liberty Hall Dam Removal & Stream Restoration Located on private property in Albemarle County, Virginia the Liberty Hall Stream Restoration Project included the removal of a legacy earthen dam historically used as a recreational pond and restoring and enhancing portions of an unnamed perennial tributary to Mechums River and creation of emergent riparian wetlands [...]
Arey Farm
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:14:43-04:00Arey Farm Ecosystem Services was contracted to establish a nutrient credit offset bank in the Shenandoah/Potomac River watershed. This project is unique in that it was the first bank permitted by the Department of Environmental Quality that used stream restoration as a method for generating nutrient credits. The restored stream is an upper reach of Mossy [...]

Meadow Creek – Cedar Court Stream Restoration
Annemarie Abbondanzo2024-07-12T12:28:39-04:00Meadow Creek- Cedar Court Stream Restoration Within the proposed restoration reach, Meadow Creek was displaying lateral instability in the form of eroding banks primarily due to the amount of impervious area within the watershed associated with the residential development upstream of the project area, and the lack of vegetation along the banks. The project was proposed to [...]
Holy Comforter
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:18:52-04:00Holy Comforter Ecosystem Services was contacted by the Holy Comforter (HOCO) Church Eco Steering Committee to provide design and planning solutions to reduce the stormwater impact of their landscape. The Steering Committee had many progressive and ecologically sensitive measures that they planned to implement around their church grounds. A team of professionals including the [...]

Meadow Lawn Farm Mitigation Bank
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:29:32-04:00Ecosystem Services is working with a landowner to establish a large scale wetland and stream mitigation bank on the 1,500 acre Meadow Lawn Farm located adjacent to Lake Merriweather and the Goshen Scout Map in Rockbridge County, Virginia ...
Greening of Crittenden Street
Kip Mumaw2024-07-12T12:29:54-04:00Greening of Crittenden Street With a population of 1,488, Edmonston is bisected by the Northeast Branch of the Anacostia. Due to its low point on the watershed, Edmonston and its residents have experiences flooding during heavy rain events, including the 5200 block of Crittenden (the block closest to Kenilworth Avenue). Ecosystem Services was hired [...]
Ashland Stormwater Facility
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:19:07-04:00Ashland Stormwater Facility A commercial property in Ashland, Virginia had a legacy stormwater facility that was constructed in the 90s. Over time it lost some of its functionality and required maintenance in order to achieve the stormwater management objectives. Our client was redeveloping the property and needed to make sure that the detention facility [...]