Trail Fork Crossing Replacement Del Rio, Tennessee (Cherokee National Forest) Existing culverts at the Trail Fork Crossing were perched and skewed with respect to the stream thalweg, which reduced AOP and created localized erosion and associated sedimentation affecting both the channel and adjacent floodplain. The culverts also created a break in the natural streambed, [...]

Blacks Run Restoration and Northend Greenway
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:11:18-04:00Blacks Run Restoration & Northend Greenway Harrisonburg, Virginia Both the tributary and Blacks Run were experiencing lateral and vertical degradation as a response to livestock access/use and an increased volume and magnitude of stormwater runoff due to a rapidly developing watershed. A community lead greenway trail had been conceptually planned and would address a [...]
South Fork Shenandoah River Restoration
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:12:05-04:00South Fork Shenandoah River Restoration Elkton Virginia The South Fork Shenandoah River project in Elkton, Virginia had been the site of a historic landfill. This waste material was being eroded into the river and impacting aquatic life. The outer meander of the River was excessively eroding, and the floodplain was disconnected from more frequent [...]

Restoration of Lick Run at Washington Park
Kip Mumaw2024-07-12T12:12:22-04:00Restoration of Lick Run at Washington Park In 2018, the City of Roanoke engaged Ecosystem Services to lead engineering and design to restore Lick Run at Washington Park in Roanoke, Virginia. The watershed at this location is just over 5 square miles and is over 42% impervious (ie urban roads and rooftops). Because of [...]

Bolton Branch Fish Passage & Stream Restoration
Annemarie Abbondanzo2024-07-12T12:13:33-04:00Bolton Branch Fish Passage & Stream Restoration Between October 2013 and May 2014, The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC), in partnership with Trout Unlimited (TU) and the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), surveyed and assessed a total of 133 road-stream crossings in Rappahannock, Madison, Greene, and Albemarle counties in Virginia to gain a comprehensive picture of [...]

Kinsey Run Fish Blockage Removal & Stream Restoration
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:30:15-04:00Located within the Garth Run – Rapidan River sub-watershed in historic Graves Mill, Virginia (Madison County) and adjacent to the Shenandoah National Park, the Kinsey Run Stream Restoration Project presents an opportunity to not only restore and enhance approximately 2,800 linear feet of Eastern Brook Trout habitat ...

Liberty Hall Dam Removal & Stream Restoration
Annemarie Abbondanzo2024-07-12T12:12:40-04:00Liberty Hall Dam Removal & Stream Restoration Located on private property in Albemarle County, Virginia the Liberty Hall Stream Restoration Project included the removal of a legacy earthen dam historically used as a recreational pond and restoring and enhancing portions of an unnamed perennial tributary to Mechums River and creation of emergent riparian wetlands [...]

Linville Creek Stream Restoration at Heritage Park
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:18:33-04:00Our project in the Town of Broadway, VA is a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) funded project in partnership with the Town of Broadway and Shenandoah Valley Soil & Water Conservation District (SVSWCD).

Meadow Creek – Cedar Court Stream Restoration
Annemarie Abbondanzo2024-07-12T12:28:39-04:00Meadow Creek- Cedar Court Stream Restoration Within the proposed restoration reach, Meadow Creek was displaying lateral instability in the form of eroding banks primarily due to the amount of impervious area within the watershed associated with the residential development upstream of the project area, and the lack of vegetation along the banks. The project was proposed to [...]

Headwaters of the Shenandoah River Watershed Assessment & Pilot Restoration
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:19:42-04:00Shenandoah Headwaters Watershed Assessment & Pilot Restoration Bergton sits near the confluence of the German River and Crab Run, headwater streams of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River, which flows into the Shenandoah and the Potomac River before reaching the Chesapeake Bay. The North Fork represents 18% of Virginia’s contribution to the Chesapeake Bay [...]