Our project in the Town of Broadway, VA is a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) funded project in partnership with the Town of Broadway and Shenandoah Valley Soil & Water Conservation District (SVSWCD).

Meadow Creek – Cedar Court Stream Restoration
Annemarie Abbondanzo2024-07-12T12:28:39-04:00Meadow Creek- Cedar Court Stream Restoration Within the proposed restoration reach, Meadow Creek was displaying lateral instability in the form of eroding banks primarily due to the amount of impervious area within the watershed associated with the residential development upstream of the project area, and the lack of vegetation along the banks. The project was proposed to [...]

Headwaters of the Shenandoah River Watershed Assessment & Pilot Restoration
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:19:42-04:00Shenandoah Headwaters Watershed Assessment & Pilot Restoration Bergton sits near the confluence of the German River and Crab Run, headwater streams of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River, which flows into the Shenandoah and the Potomac River before reaching the Chesapeake Bay. The North Fork represents 18% of Virginia’s contribution to the Chesapeake Bay [...]
Greening of Crittenden Street
Kip Mumaw2024-07-12T12:29:54-04:00Greening of Crittenden Street With a population of 1,488, Edmonston is bisected by the Northeast Branch of the Anacostia. Due to its low point on the watershed, Edmonston and its residents have experiences flooding during heavy rain events, including the 5200 block of Crittenden (the block closest to Kenilworth Avenue). Ecosystem Services was hired [...]
Moores Creek Stream Assessment
webbones.es2024-07-12T12:16:58-04:00Moores Creek Stream Assessment Ecosystem Services was contracted to perform a stream restoration assessment of approximately 4.5 miles of Moores Creek in Charlottesville, VA. The assessment included an existing conditions analysis, prioritization of restoration opportunities, a restoration alternatives analysis, and a discussion of potential funding opportunities. A conceptual restoration plan was also prepared for [...]