Project Description

Greening of Crittenden Street

With a population of 1,488, Edmonston is bisected by the Northeast Branch of the Anacostia.   Due to its low point on the watershed, Edmonston and its residents have experiences flooding during heavy rain events, including the 5200 block of Crittenden (the block closest to Kenilworth Avenue).

Ecosystem Services was hired by the Town of Edmonston to create a Green Street design that formed a marriage of contemporary stormwater management techniques and human-scale streetscape design.  Ecosystem Services provided the following services: existing drainage analysis, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for proposed conditions, nutrient reductions calculations, community outreach, and final design plans.

The design objectives were to maximize treatment cells for water quality and quantity benefits.  Ultimately, Ecosystem Services provided the Town with a design that incorporates both environmental and user design solutions intends to mitigate any existing issues while adding additional value to the residents’ quality of life.  Design elements include the creation of street-side bioretention areas, planting strips, sidewalks, cross-walks, trash receptacles, and lighting.  The proposed planting consists of native trees and herbaceous with a focus on flowering species tolerant to the proposed setting. The project will replace the existing paved street design and with a curb and gutter system throughout.


  • Improved local water quality from reduction of sediment, nutrients and pathogens reaching waterway
  • In addition to water quality and quantitiy improvements, add value to resident’s quality of life.

ServicesEngineering and Design, Plan Production and Mapping, Stormwater Management