Engineering & Design old

Ecosystem Services’ engineers and designers are considered experts in the industry and employ the most advanced technology and current science in order to solve a wide array of environmental engineering challenges. Our ecological restoration design team has been trained in Rosgen I-IV, North Carolina State University Stream Restoration Program, and Utah State University Sediment Transport training.

  • Stream & Wetland Design
  • Stormwater Management
  • Onsite Wastewater System Design
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Watershed & Floodplain Studies
  • Plan Production & Mapping

Types of Engineering & Design Offered

Ecosystem Services’ design methodology is an iterative process centered around accomplishing realistic goals while addressing constraints and creating project opportunities. Our design engineers and ecologists use a combination of natural channel design and analytic design methodologies to evaluate different alternatives. We do not adhere to a “one-size fits all” or prescriptive design methodology. From the assessment phase of each project, new opportunities and additional constraints will be analyzed to see how they affect different design alternatives and the original goals of the project. An emphasis is always placed on sustainability and the use of onsite materials to minimize construction costs and the overall project footprint.

  • StreamandWetlandDesignHydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
  • Natural Channel Design (Analog, Empirical, Analytical/Process-Based, Functional)
  • Sediment Transport Analyses
  • BANCS Assessment Studies
  • Entrainment and Competence Analyses
  • Geomorphic Surveys
Ecosystem Services’ engineers and designers specialize in challenging and innovative stormwater management solutions. Whether it’s a bioretention basin intended to beautify and maximize pollutant uptake or a complex underground drainage system that must convey stormwater runoff to reduce flooding, our engineers can design the appropriate system for any application.

  • Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
  • Best Management Practice (BMP) and Low Impact Development (LID) design
  • BMP retrofits
  • Adequate channel analysis
  • Water quality modeling
As growth in population centers continues to expand outside of the reach and capacity of available infrastructure, coupled with the desire to find refuge in the far corners of our beautiful Commonwealth, there will always be a need for onsite wastewater systems. Our staff soil scientist and designers have experience designing systems from small conventional, single-family homes to large, commercial alternative engineered systems.

  • engineering-onsite-wastewaterSoil Feasibility Studies
  • Soil Evaluations
  • Virginia Department of Health Certification Letters, Subdivision Approval Permits and Construction Permits
  • Conventional and Alternative Engineered Systems
  • Residential and Commercial Systems
  • Land Development Planning
  • Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater Systems
  • Infiltration Studies/Amoozemeter
  • Onsite System Construction Inspections
  • Onsite System Repair Coordination and Design
From irrigation design and demand calculations to poultry house construction planning, Ecosystem Services works to provide exceptional service tailored to the individual farmer’s and organization’s needs. We are dedicated to serving Virginia’s oldest and most noble industry.

  • Wetlands Reserve Easement (WRE) Restoration Designing
  • Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning
  • Irrigation Design and Demand Calculations
  • Streambank and Channel Stabilization (Technical Service Provider)
  • Poultry House Construction Planning
  • Agricultural Best Management Practice (BMP) design
  • Shallow Water Development and Management
  • NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Planning and Design
  • NRCS Technical Service Provider
Ecosystem Services’ engineers and scientists use state-of-the-art hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and field investigation techniques in order to accurately model flooding limits and water quality.

  • Pollutant Loading and Reduction Reporting
  • TMDL Modeling/Planning
  • Nine Element Plan Watershed Plan
ES uses the most advanced technology and software to provide the necessary support for the Engineering & Design division. With the latest 3-dimensional CAD software and advances to GIS, ES staff can efficiently and effectively produce plans from the conceptual to construction/implementation stage. We strive to produce plans that are both informative and practical but also easily translatable to the client and/or contractor.

  • Conceptual Plans and Exhibits
  • Stream & Wetland Restoration Construction Plans
  • Planting Plans
  • Flood Inundation Maps
  • Stormwater Management Plan

Examples of Engineering & Design Projects

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