Kip Mumaw, PE

Kip Mumaw enjoys working in and thinking about dynamic systems. Whether it’s stream corridors and wetlands or our evolving business ecosystem, Kip finds the complexity of these environments rewarding. Kip works with our technical staff as a Team Facilitator to problem solve and coordinate our efforts across multiple disciplines and projects. In his administrative and leadership role, Kip creates value-based strategies for our company’s operations that improve our culture, our resilience as a business, and our work products.
In addition to supporting project Teams, Kip continues to lead engineering and design services to many of our stormwater management and ecological restoration projects. A project that represents his technical abilities is the restoration of wetlands in the Cavalier Wildlife Management Area. The project was fascinating from a hydrologic modeling perspective – developing an integrated surface and groundwater model to predict the effect of engineered water control structures – and combined wildlife goals with flood and wildfire resiliency to mitigate the effects of our changing climate. Kip worked with project partners including the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and Fish and Wildlife Service to conduct educational and informational presentations and site tours to communicate the outcomes and purpose of the project. Working with strong partners such as these is one of the highlights of his career.
Education • Training • Certification
- B.S. Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech
- Virginia Natural Resource Leadership Institute Alumni, University of Virginia
- DEQ Certified Combined Stormwater Administrator
- Certified NAACC Lead Observer (Aquatic Connectivity)
- NRCS Technical Assistance Provider
- Richard Chinn Environmental Training: USACE Wetland Delineation
- NCSU Stream Restoration Program: Fluvial Geomorphology, Hydraulic Modeling for Stream Restoration
- Shepherd University/ NCTC: Natural Channel Design