Jordan Chambers

Jordan Chambers is an environmental scientist with a background in restoring Virginia’s ecosystems. He has experience in monitoring restored forests, streams, and wetlands, maintaining MS4 BMPs, and developing comprehensive plans to restore various habitats throughout the state. He has worked alongside clients to provide holistic vegetation management solutions that limit the dependence on herbicide to restore native plant communities.
As a Field Technician with Ecosystem Services, he conducts environmental assessments prior to project implementation, and follows up with monitoring post implementation. As an avid woodworker and plant ecologist he enjoys playing a part in the process that restores the diversity and health of the places he loves.
Education • Training • Certification
- VDACS Commercial Pesticide Applicator (Forest Category)
- Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional, Level 1
- Wetland Training Institute, Basic Wetland Delineator
- Certified Prescribed Burn Manager