Project Description

Southampton Agribusiness

Our Certified Nutrient Management Planner assisted with the Southampton Agribusiness Farm at the Department of Corrections to write a Nutrient Management Plan for the 1,200-acre farm in Southampton County, VA. This self-sustaining farm produces broccoli, asparagus, snap beans, watermelons, corn, soybeans and Bermuda hay. Commercial fertilizer was used in conjunction with swine manure from their 1,200-animal production operation and biosolids from area wastewater facilities.

We worked closely with both agencies and the Department of Corrections to plan the next three years of the farming operations, which included crop selection and rotations, commercial fertilizer and manure applications, and nutrient budgeting. Nutrient Management Plans are living documents that require flexibility and attention to adapt to real-life farming operations.


  • Reduction of nutrient runoff
  • Sustainable farming operation
