Megan Mauk

Megan is an experienced design technician with a background in geographic information systems and sustainable resource management. She has honed her experience through graduate studies, technical trainings, and experience providing civil engineering services in local and federal governments. She comes to Ecosystem Services after seven years working with NRCS to draft and design conservation practices.
The Mossy Creek Restoration Project highlights her ability to collaborate with designers and project managers to provide CAD drafting and plan set management to create high quality restoration design plans. For the mitigation bank, Megan drafted details to create backwater habitat, mid channel jams, and beaver dam analog structures designed to support natural channel processes and restore habitat to the well-known trout stream.
Education • Training • Certification
- B.S. Geographic Science, Biology minor, James Madison University
- M.S. Integrated Science and Technology, James Madison University
- M.Sc. Sustainable Environmental Resource Management, University of Malta
- NC State University Stream Restoration Program
- Stream Morphology Assessment
- Natural Channel Design Principles
- Assessment and identification of Riparian Vegetation